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The video module allows you to integrate video files or video sequences into your SOLARFOX® slideshow. The video sequences then appear at a specified position in your slideshow and are then shown on the display in addition to the yield data.
In order to use the video module, any USB stick must be connected to the control computer of the SOLARFOX® display. This USB stick is used as a storage medium for the video files. You can either save the video files directly on the stick or upload them to the USB stick via the web interface of your display from the local network.
The video must be in .mkv, .mp4, .avi or .flv format.
In addition, video encoding H.264 (hardware acceleration) must be activated.
We recommend a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels (FullHD) for the videos.
Videos that have been stored on the USB stick appear automatically in the SOLARFOX® online administration, provided your display is already connected to the internet. You can then select the desired video sequence and show it in the SOLARFOX® slideshow at the desired location.